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You Do What You Can!

Sometimes when you have a job to get done, you have to do what you can to do it! In this situation, we needed to use an extension cord from the barn to reach Elan while he roamed and grazed. While we are working with this colt to stand still and be patient, it can be difficult to make them properly focus on two new things going on at the same time. Elan had never stood still while being tied for more than 15-20 minutes. He also had never heard or seen, let alone been touched by clippers before. Both of these things were pretty new to him and are on going.

Make a new experience a progressive one. Don't push a horse, especially one who is young, to fulfill a new task while at the same time working on another. This makes for a more enjoyable experience for your horse instead of a stressful. Remember, horses have better memories than we do. Each moment of a lesson from the beginning of their life and on needs to be a good learning moment. Not all will be "positive" or "enjoyable" but make it a good memory. One that in the years to come, will benefit your equine friend and strengthen that bond


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