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No Easy Carousel Ride

What was your earliest memory of loving horses? Did you work with horses during your childhood? Did you bother any of your teachers or fellow students by talking about horses too much? Did you have classmates and faculty alike that didn't understand your passion for them? That was my life in a nut shell.

Through out school, I was told to not talk about them so much. To not include them in my projects as much. That it wasn't a strong enough topic to write about. But, I would continue to do it anyways. In this particular project, I was told the topic wasn't enough to get an "A" for because the issue I wrote about was not real. But if you ask any equestrian about their experiences, they will tell you they were told that riding horses was not a sport at all. And even within the equestrian community itself, there are those who tend to tear others down by saying their discipline of choice is not difficult or as much of a sport. That is completely false.

Today, I wanted to share with you the project that took home a "B-" but is one I am very proud with. A representation of my two passions coming together to make something like this. While I was and still am not the best videographer, I hope you enjoy this piece.

No Easy Carousel Ride

By Tara Swan

Assisted by Avery Grimes

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