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Life Update During Lock-down

Hello everyone!

Hope all of you are doing well and staying healthy in this rough time. With things being closed, restricted, and empty, I know things have been difficult. We feel as if we are all on hold until lives go back to normal and things blow over. But, even though we may feel stagnant, life is still going. So with this stay indoors order, here are the things happening with us.

1. Elan's Training.

When we arrived here in Alabama, the plan was to start Elan's training on my own. But like any, well practiced trainer can tell you, even professionals take training and instruction from others. And that is what we have done. After meeting our wonderful farrier/natural horsemanship trainer not long after our arrival, we gradually have been including training sessions for Elan. And wow, what a change! Yes, the usual growth and maturing physically is occurring as it does with a growing colt. But with this training and education that both Elan and I have gained, it truly has taken us to a new level of understanding. Not just through training, but witnessing how wonderful and amazing his mind is. Confident, brave, and beyond wise for him just being a year old. I am looking forward to what happens in the future. While showing and competitions are on hold, preparations are going to get him to his best in the present time.

2. Amapola's Health

While Elan has been progressing, some haven't been doing so well. Within one month, Amapola (Elan's mother) has been dealing with some serious health concerns. An eye injury one week and then two weeks later, a scare with colic and ulcers. It has been a frustrating and anxiety filled time of tests, trials, long days, and late nights. But we have to count our blessings as well. While these serious things have occurred, we have caught all of them early enough and have managed to get them taken care of and under control. With the proper care, we have no doubt we can get Ama back to health. But while the world is dealing with its health scare, Amapola is dealing with her own.

3. Finding a Community

If you are following us on Facebook, you may have seen a new post from a couple days ago discussing the frustrations of in the equestrian business community while the world is on lock down. For many large businesses, things go on as usual. But for smaller, independent companies, everything is at a standstill. The way of business is having a reform to survive the stay at home orders. To redesign ways to reach out to the communities they serve. But along with the worry, I have been making it a point to go find local and international communities for support, motivation, and ideas. Within the group mentioned, businesses from all over the world have been coming together to discuss ideas, views, and support. Not just sharing our stories and goals but doing our part to help by advertising and acknowledging them as well. We are all in this together. With this mindset and focus, I have found being apart of these communities to be vital at this time. Giving a whole new outlook to the importance of focus even when things seem helpless. I would recommend to ANYONE feeling alone or unmotivated, find your communities online. Find people dealing with similar things you are and allow for these individuals to motivate and support you.

4. Gaining New Skills

Most have access to some types of internet access and social media. I mean, how would you be reading these blogs? Well through the magic of a phone and a computer, I have been making it a point to go find classes, clinics, workshops, and tutorials to better my business. To better my passions and hobbies. Gaining new hobbies and skills I never would have had the time to do. Focusing on important planning and practice I had issues finding time to do before. A big suggestion I would make to you all? Go online and through social media to gain new skills, take classes, find new hobbies. Busy yourself and take this time for self to better something you have been finding difficult to make time for. Find something you are interested in but never got the chance to try. This time of lock down gives a time for self. Although we all would prefer the option, take a hold of this opportunity.

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